Saturday, November 8, 2014

In the last few years there has been a lot of talk about the Law of Attraction and how we can use it to our advantage. However, the promise it holds does not always produce the desired results as we are mostly unaware of what our subconscious thoughts are transmitting and consequently attracting. The evidence is actually apparent in the day to day manifestation of the individual and their circumstances. It is a true demonstration of their values, beliefs and projections whether deliberate or unconscious. Therefore to discover the hidden projection you only need to look around you.

The experts advise that our level of success can be gauged whether financial or emotional, by the type of people in your immediate circle. The main five in your group of friends are an example of the current level or the level that you will reach. So, if you aspire to a higher benchmark you must find a social network equal or greater than that bracket and associate with them.

We are familiar with the saying that “opposites attract” but statistics actually suggest that it is similarities that bind two people together and that the differences although exciting and interesting at first, eventually become the wedge that pushes them apart.

We have a strong innate drive for acceptance and this is well known and used by the media, culture, school programmes, and peer group pressure to manipulate and mould us in certain ways. Our survival instinct to stay with the group is so strong that we will often deny our own conscience, act without integrity and forsake our principles to avoid the possibility of being ostracised.

Spiritual teachers have suggested that what we judge unacceptable or repulsive in others is a mirror of what we dislike in our own personality and, conversely, the traits we admire are those that we appreciate and aspire to for ourselves.

We have been led to believe that the world has been changed by the individual who stood apart and stood up for their beliefs and that they did it with pluck and determination and without concern for popular opinion. There’s no doubt that this is partially true and yet when the stories are closely examined it becomes clear that opportunity and connection was the enabling force, as Malcolm Gladwell demonstrates in his book, “Outliers: The Story of Success.”

A common practise put forward by agents of change is to model someone whose circumstances demonstrate your desired goal and then follow their steps to achievement. To gain rapport and trust with others one technique recommended is to subtly mirror the body language, posture, voice tone, etc. And as an extension of this can even be used to manipulate and influence if necessary. It is interesting to note that we often do this unconsciously when in conversation by taking on the other's word patterns, facial expressions and posture.

The greatest and most influential leaders find common ground and comraderie with their audience, offer relevant connections to sway thought and opinion in their direction, by artfully suggesting that they are “just like us.”
Awareness and understanding of the Laws of Attraction that govern our behaviour and all of nature allows us an opportunity to gain momentum to improve and progress both individually and globally by linking to a mindset and movement that advocates and works toward a higher good and betterment for all. Birds of a feather really do flock together.

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