Saturday, June 16, 2007


In my previous article, The Art of Healing, I briefly discussed the avenues that led to Samuel Hahnemann's discovery of Homoeopathy and his specialised method for producing remedies. Hahnemann also formulated several laws that apply to the manner in which the human body develops disease and how it heals. Although this is a very extensive topic I will give an overview of these theories to illustrate how Homoeopathy works.

Hahnemann postulated that all illness came from a common beginning and multiplied in its complexity and severity over time and generations to produce many more potential symptoms and outcomes. He categorised how the diseases formed, their possible manifestations, and described points of recognition for treatment by his remedies. He named these classifications, miasms, and wrote very detailed and specific records to determine the constitution of the individual according to the possible miasm acting within.

When taking the case of a patient Hahnemann would study all aspects of the client from their history of illness, their families' history, their work and daily lives, their likes and dislikes, emotions etc. and he wanted very precise and detailed description of the symptom causing the current problem. By closely studying the symptoms and the patient in general he could find the most suitable (similar remedy-being the principle behind Hom. prescribing) treatment to effect a cure.

Hahnemann discovered that when more than one disease existed in the body, only the strongest would manifest symptoms and the weaker would go into dormancy, forming layers. Then traditional allopathic treatments would suppress the symptom, resulting in the disease being driven deeper and made more serious only to reappear again later in a different form. Over time a patient may exhibit a changing and worsening picture of what was initially a minor problem that through wrong handling developed into a serious or life-threatening condition.

Homoeopathic treatments were chosen and taken according to the presenting symptoms and then a period of time elapsed until the preceding symptoms appeared, sometimes less than a day or could take much longer. These new presenting symptoms indicate that the previous symptom has been cured and the next layer of disease exposed- a sign of correct remedy selection and condition improvement. Ideally, the case would be followed and ongoing treatment would eventually result in a complete cure and return to good health. The definition of good health was when the individual had no presenting symptoms, a positive and happy state of mind and active lifestyle.

The principles and methods of Hahnemann's are still in existence today and strictly followed by "Classical Homoepaths." The underlining Law of Similars-"that which can produce a set of symptoms in a healthy individual can treat a sick individual who is manifesting a similar set of symptoms", the method of repertorisation (the manner in which a remedy is selected) and the miasmic diagnosis remain as definites within this doctrine. There have been a some new alternative approaches in selecting appropriate potency and frequency of dosage, in combining more than one remedy, and hundreds of new materials proven and documented as remedies, since Hahnemann's day. The procedure for potentising the remedies has been mechanised and some technologies made available that can replicate the energy pattern of a particular substance to administer by radionic means.

The gentle and highly effective curative act of potentised and homoeopathic materials is becoming more widely accepted and many hospitals now encorporate alternative medicines into their routines. I have been using Homoeopathic practitioners, remedies and methods both personally and on my family, friends and animals for nearly ten years and consistently find them to be powerful yet subtle for curing on a permanent basis and also for ameliorating the acute symptoms in the short term.

By undertaking a program of maintaining good health and preventative measures, utillising the therapies that are readily available and keeping a positive attitude will minimise the susceptibility to illness and improve the immune response, thereby ensuring "more life in your years and more years in your life."

Friday, June 15, 2007


Samuel Hahnemann was born in 1755 and died aged 88 in 1843.

He was a dedicated scholar and had learned five languages by twenty years of age. Over the course of his life he learned a further three. He earned his living translating books and teaching languages but his real passion was medicine. By age 27 he had gained his Doctor of Medicine.

In 1790 after only eight years of practice he told of his disillusionment with the allopathic methods and dangerous treatments in a letter to an acquaintance. His claim was they were barbaric and did serious damage to patients, often fatally. He then gave up his medical work and studied chemistry.

He translated a Materia Medica for Cullen and was intrigued by Cullen's use of Cinchona Bark to cure malaria. Hahnemann began experimenting on himself and after six years he published his findings. He had discovered the "Law of Similars".

He hypothesised; "that which can produce a set of symptoms in a healthy individual can treat a sick individual who is manifesting a similar set of symptoms."

Hahnemann accidently discovered a special method to produce his remedies. He termed it, "potentization". Potentization energised the substances to effect a cure on the dynamic level.

During the Cholera epidemic of 1831 - 1832 he treated 184 victims and they all survived. The other Doctors he had trained in his methods achieved similar success with an average of 3-5% mortality rate compared to approximately 50% with the allopathic treatments.

Hahnemann emphasised the assessment of the human being as a whole, and placed great importance on the mental state and emotional symptoms. His findings were developed through careful experimentation and experience and he kept meticulous patient journals from as early as 1799.

Long before Pastuer, Hahnemann insisted that sanitation and hygiene were imperative and burnt the bed linen and clothing of infected people.

This brilliant man published over 130 works in his life and translated nearly 9500 pages in twenty nine years. He continued to learn and refine his Homoeopathic method and was a scrupulous and conscientious scientist, chemist, botanist, sanitarian and physician and a father of eleven.

Homoeopathy remains popular all over the world despite the rigorous smear campaign and slanderous opposition that began as early as Hahnemann's theories were made public.

J. Swift said, "When a true genius appears in this world you may know him by this sign; that the dunces are all in confederancy against him."

Einstein put it this way, "Great minds have always met with severe adversity from smaller minds."

To demonstrate and compare, Allopathic medicine can be defined as; "A method of treating disease with remedies that produce effects different from those caused by the disease itself." (The American Science Dictionary).

The medicines are normally given in huge doses that create problems elsewhere in the system and often the symptoms redevelop later even more severely. The purpose is to suppress the symptoms, not actually to heal or cure them.

The definition of Homoeopathy; "A system for treating and preventing disease, using minute amounts of a substance that in large amounts causes disease symptoms when given to healthy individuals. This is thought to enhance the body's natural defenses." (The American Science Heritage Dictionary). The remedies remove the blockages to healing by acting on the vital force or life force energy.

To this day skeptics argue that there is no scientific evidence that Homoeopathy works and yet there is widespread agreement that the recovery and survival rates in hospitals are noticeably improved when a patient has been prayed for.

When we look at the statistics that were provided in an "Australian Bulletin" magazine in 2006 that stated, "18,000 Australians die each year in hospitals from mishap (my emphasis -can be read as -misdiagnosis and mistreatment) and half at least are preventable..." it is obvious that the conventional methods are far from perfect.

Our understanding of Quantum Physics is still incomplete and it is in this arena that Homoeopathy will be eventually be validated.


Monday, May 21, 2007


It has been said by some very wise teachers that the further we remove ourselves from the connection with the Divine Spirit and the natural rhythms of Earth and the Universe, the more unhealthy and unhappy we become.

This truth is obvious when we take a wide view and examine society in general and see how this dissociation has impacted on our state of mind and the environment. We strive to lift our depressed spirits and to sweeten and fulfill our lives.

On a personal and physical human level, the incidence of cancer, asthma, heart disease and so many other illnesses expands at a similar rate to our girth.

A parallel comparison can be made from these developments.

For example:

  • Our cells mutate and develop malignant behaviour whilst we adulterate our foods with processing, additives and preservatives, genetic-modification, etc.
  • As stress and overwhelm from the increasing demands and pressures of hectic schedules and workloads builds, we struggle for breath.
  • By measuring the worth of a person by their material wealth and possessions, we feel no compassion or love for the under-privileged and poverty-stricken, (the fuel for our vehicles considered more necessary than a life) the more diseased our hearts become.

Our roadways, footpaths, carparks, school grounds and backyards are covered with bitumen and concrete. We are drained of energy and suffer accumulated exhaustion from our shopping and working travels when there is no contact with the soil and only minimal exposure to vegetation and trees.

The natural resources of our planet are squandered and greedily consumed, the environment polluted with the identical thoughtlessness and selfishness the individual comsumer shows in their purchase of disposable and plastic products.

Our individuality is quashed by induced behaviour modifiers like Ritalin. The biological processors and receptors that guide us truly are blocked, damaged and stifled through regular intake of alcohol, drugs, pharmaceutical medications and vaccinations, and a plethora of electro-magnetic fields emanating from computers, mobile phones and other technologies.

The television and media dictates how we should look, behave and fit in to this distorted abnormal picture of life- a most successful method of moulding and steering society that ensures profits and wealth from our productivity, revenue from our consumerism and bad health, goes to those in power whilst guaranteeing our ignorance, weakness and obedience.

While it may be almost impossible to bring about massive changes on a global scale immediately, we can certainly reconnect to our life force, the Earth, in a personal way right now.

Life-giving energy radiates out from the Earth and is received through our feet and connection to the ground, absorbed and permeated throughout our bodies. To stand barefoot on grass, soil or sand, to lie on your back beneath a tree or to swim in the ocean is an energising and connecting experience.

As an engine needs petrol and oil to run efficiently, our body's mechanism requires pure fuel to nourish and sustain it and will break down, like the engine, when the wrong substances are added. By eating highly nutrient-rich fresh fruit and vegetables and natural foods grown organically we provide the necessary and varied readily absorbed vitamins and minerals that are lacking or synthesised in processed and manufactured food products. Being discerning and informed when selecting personal care and beauty products, detergents and household necessities will also minimise our exposure to toxic ingredients that upset our delicate systems and interfere with the vital force that sustains us.

Saturday, March 24, 2007


In 1987 an amazing person, Linda Goodman, wrote of an intuitive divining art, gifted from the Universe, to discover secrets and messages hidden within words. She named this, the Lexigram. Where anagrams are a game of fun, Lexigrams are serious insights into hidden knowledge and will gently develop your sixth sense and open your third eye.

Many English words were deliberately created to follow logical sequences and from common usage but a larger percentage were developed from the collective subconscious and these hold the greatest mysteries. Not all words will contain esoteric wisdom but when time is taken to meditate on the words that feel relevant to you at that moment many new concepts, poems or images can be recognised.

English is what is known as a living language and this means more than intended when you contemplate the layers of meaning. Linda Goodman says, "Some words are mutants of original words, and so words undergo mutation. They meet, fuse or fall in love, so to speak- and they mate. They can and do produce "children". Hybrid words and varieities of compound words are the progeny or offspring of "parent" words, who earlier fused and mated."

The word, Lexigram, really means the word and words, obtained by anagramming a word or phrase, are drawn out in full and reassembled to reveal symbolic meanings, messages and truths. A Lexigram phrase must be composed of the letters within the original phrase but not every letter needs to be used.

An example; LETTERS (EELRSTT) Let Seer See.

The word, UNTIED becomes UNITED when 2 letters are "reversed" or "re-versed" (to rewrite).

EARTH - HEART. Hear Her Art.

Our birth names reveal a great deal about our lives, personality and potential. Write out your full name and list the letters as above. Begin by creating all the words you can find made up from those letters. As you form the words allow your intuition to link them together into sentences and follow your thoughts as they spiral upward and outward to reveal what is contained within. Not everything will be shown to you all at once, you may need to return to this several times. Timing is relevant in this practice as in most spiritual studies and development and more will be revealed in due course.

Much can be learned about history, politics and people by studying the Lexigrams and with practice this tool will uncover and produce some incredible results.

To gain a full understanding of this method please read Linda Goodman's "Star Signs", an oustanding classic work for decoding the Universe's secrets.

"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path". Psalms 119:105

"God is with you in all that you do." Genesis 21:22

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

ESSENCE OF HEAVEN - Part 7 Self help and development.

Nature has many answers to the questions and puzzles of life and they can be found in the most obvious of places.

It is well-known that plants have healing qualities and benefits for many ailments and research is ongoing in this area within mainstream medicine and pharmaceutical circles.

The indigenous healers and alternative therapists of all modalities have been aware of plant medicine throughout history and have utilised herbs and other plants, from roots through to leaves and flowers. The ways in which the beneficial components are extracted are as varied as the problems they treat.

Often our emotional state is the cause of further health problems and by addressing this in the first instance when out of balance any further destruction can be minimised and even halted. Over time we can improve our physical problems by treating our emotional states.

Flower Essences embody the energetic keys to unlock the negative patterns we get caught up in. They can release the positive feelings and inspiration needed to venture forward again in our life journey. Many different Essences have been discovered, for example, the Edward Bach Flower Essences, the North American Flower Essences, The Findhorn Flower Essences, The Australian Bush Flower Essences, just a few of the more commonly used.

How the Flower Essences benefit us can not be verified as yet by scientific methods and have been developed through intuitive experimentation and discovery but this does not detract in any way from the outstanding results they achieve.

For every emotional state, condition and impediment there is a counter-balancing essence that will act gently and effectively to realign the individual. Good health stores generally stock a range of Flower Essences that can be easily selected from for the individual. For more indepth analysis a professional practitioner can be consulted and many Naturopaths and Homoeopaths encompass Flower Essences within their dispensary of medicinal remedies.

One of the Bach Flower Essences, Rescue Remedy, is so successful and widely recognised that it is commonly carried on hand and within First Aid Kits. Rescue Remedy is a combination of 5 essences to treat shock, fright, trauma and fear.

Both humans and animals gain immensely from the regular use of Flower Essences and they can be relied on to produce soothing and gentle healing for very positive results.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Divine Colour - Part 6 Self help and development.

The most simple and obvious way to enhance or improve your mood is through the use of colour. Colour lore is ancient and a part of the mystical, magical and healing systems developed by ancient Indians, Chinese, Tibetans, Egyptians, Greeks, Persians, Babylonians and others.

There are seven primary vibrations of light visible to the human eye; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

These colours correspond with the human energy centres, the Chakras, from base to crown.

Red , the longest wavelength of visible colour, is associated with physical and material forces, while violet, the shortest wavelength is expressed as spirituality and enlightenment.

Black is universally a representation of evil, while white, the combination of all colours, denotes the Godhead and purity.

The Pythagorians found that white light contains all sound and colour and that the seven colours of the spectrum correspond to the seven known planets and eight notes of the musical scale.

Modern colour therapy, also called light therapy, chromotherapy and colourology is still controversial and considered an alternative treatment. Patients are exposed to coloured lights, prescribed certain coloured foods, or given water steeped in sunlight in coloured containers. Colour breathing is an excercise of visualising the inhalation and exhalation of coloured breath during meditation.

Research shows that coloured light does have an effect on the body. The perception of colour by the eye triggers biochemical reactions.

Blue is one of the most beneficial colours, helping to lower blood pressure, perspiration, respiration and brain-wave activity. Green is also soothing and healing. Yellow, red and orange raise blood pressure and metabolic rates, and orange stimulates the appetite.

Pink is beneficial in small doses, by relaxing and neutralising aggressive behaviour, however, long exposure can produce irritability and emotional distress.

Colours are employed in hospitals and workplaces to produce various effects, the pastel shades of blue and green enhance well being and productivity.

Religious and mystical groups denote the hierarchies of authority by the designation of particular colours.


RED: the colour of life, is the most auspicious. It relates to growth, happiness, joy, passion and virtue. If you lack courage, picture lots of red. Red is the great energiser, representing deep, passionate love. Chinese brides wear red-a lucky, happy, erotic colour.

It is a highly emotional and not good to have in great amounts when over-emotional or hyperactive.

Red is also believed to repel evil forces. It stimulates the heartbeat and mind and body energy.

The Root chakra at the base of the spine, which governs the vitality of the physical body vibrates and spins at the light frequency of red.

ORANGE: is the colour of someone who tends to follow the crowd. A creative colour that leads people to social activity and togetherness and represents joy and constructive mental and physical energy. The energy of the reproductive systems resonates with orange.

YELLOW: selected as the international colour of China and reserved solely for the use of the Emperor and his descendants because of its correspondence with control.

It stimulates mental energy and represents wisdom, expands the horizons of the narrow-minded and inspires excitement and fun. Yellow is also the colour for patience and tolerance. Our centre of emotion, the solar plexus, spins at the frequency of yellow energy.

GREEN: balances our whole system, and promotes harmony and peace. It is the colour of giving and receiving and resonates with our heart centre. Green can encourage travel but also ignite jealousy. Green is the colour for manifestation and should be visualised for attracting what we need into our lives.

To alleviate stress and relax the nervous system, to reduce eye strain and calm and soothe emotion think of or surround yourself with green.

BLUE: is for consideration, care, thoughtfulness and spiritualism. It is associated with faith, constancy and fidelity. This colour cools and calms and is generally the colour of the introvert. To represent trustworthiness, reliability and honesty in business, employ the use of blue. It is the natural colour for a passive and gentle approach. The throat chakra, our seat of communication, spins with blue energy.

PURPLE: sometimes considered by Chinese to be more auspicious than red. This colour belongs to the philosopher, the dreamer, the author and visionary. It is associated with high ideals, loyalty and truth. It was the colour adopted by the church, representing martyrdom, love, suffering and sacrifice. Purple is the colour of the great orator and was also used by the highest authorities for their seal.

GOLD: carries powerful Yang or positive energy and is associated with the force of the Sun. This energy is most appropriate for an outgoing, positive outlook and suits the action orientated people. A colour well utilised when there is much disturbed energy around. The Angelic realm is of golden light energy and the visualisation of gold is protective and healing.

WHITE: in the West this colour symbolises purity and vitality but in China it is the colour of mourning. It portrays innocence, naivity and openness.

BLACK: represents money and is often worn to designate power and confidence. It can attract negative energies and emotional states.

BROWN: is the colour of earth and wood. Those attracted to brown in large amounts tend to be reliable, steady, practical and down-to-earth. It can cause stagnation and slow movement in some so not practical in business environments requiring speed and efficiency.

GREY: is often worn by those who appear as conformist but really are not. It is associated with self-denial, depression and fear.

PINK: a healing colour that represents love and romance. Soft pink relaxes the mind and muscles and promotes love and care.

Make the most of the benefits of colour by consciously selecting your clothing daily to inspire the state of mind that you desire. Create a comfortable, relaxing environment for every day living and a calm and peaceful setting for rest at night. Be aware of the amount and tones of colour for childrens' bedrooms to allow for secure and restful sleep. Employ the assistance of colour energy when preparing a study and learning situation to inspire or enhance absorbtion of information. Consider how the different foods and their colour might effect the output of energy required at times and adjust your diet accordingly.

The magical use of colour has no limits and is another instrument for shaping the life we desire and developing the self we aspire to.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Thank You - Part 5 Self help and development.

Love your life!

Understand that you are the channel through which the Universe experiences its own creation.

Appreciate the faculties and senses bestowed in your physical form.

Every colour, shape, and vision, and every smell, sound and sensation is opportunity to pay homage for your existence.

Being is participating in the artistry of life.

Ponder the infinitesimal individual particles unseen and wonder at the conglomeration of formation.

Be awestruck by the brilliance of a flower and captivated by the shape of a cloud.

Find fascination in the ocean and joy at the laugh of an infant.

Know that no matter how unfortunate you perceive your existence there is always one who suffers more.

Be grateful for your blessings and you will be granted an abundance of them.

Feel benevolently towards others and allow their kind-hearted reciprocation.

Recognise the shadows but stand in the light.

Happiness is a state of mind, be it.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Look and Listen-Part 4 Self help and development

A lifetime of circumstances, programming and challenges shape the person we are today and the issues we grapple with. These limitations and beliefs need to be recognised, exposed and overcome to free us to journey forward.

The universe guides our lives and offers us constant opportunities to surmount our limitations. The re-occurring challenges and problems, the illnesses and the people we relate with are indicators of the territory we can examine for insight and understanding.

We are provided with signposts and guidance along the way but it is our choice to take notice.

You can begin your observations by focusing on the physical complaints you may currently be enduring. For example, you may have sore feet. Perhaps this represents the way you walk through life at present. Maybe your neck and shoulders are sore or tense - a sign of the burdens you perceive you are carrying.

Relationship difficulties can sometimes mirror the facets of our personality that are holding us back and creating the imbalance that inhibits progress. By identifying the traits that disturb us when confronted by others we recognise the characteristics in ourselves needing to be reformed.

Some informative books on the subject that I recommend are;
"You Can Heal Your Life." by Lousie Hays
"Anatomy Of The Spirit." by Caroline Myss
There are many available but these are a good starting point.

Have you ever prayed for a solution to a difficult problem and then turned on the radio and the words of the song being played gave you the answer? Have you been driving when you saw a business slogan posted on a billboard - that was the solution you were seeking? Or picked up a book in a bookstore and opened to a page that held the significant sentence that gave you an "aha!" moment?

In the same way we receive these communications in answer to our questions, we are faced with situations and circumstances that demonstrate issues and solutions. So look at your life from another perspective and see what stands out.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life, enjoy!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Body Corporate Part 3 Self help and development

Just as a car needs petrol so does our body need fuel. If you put contaminated fuel into your car it won't run as well as it should, sometimes, not at is the same with our bodies.

The most obvious method of charging the body with energy is in the food we consume. The greatest amount of food energy is from freshly picked raw produce still living. However, as food ages and is further removed from its natural state so does the nutritional "life force" energy reduce.

If one considers themselves in the primitive state, as a wild creature foraging for food, the seasonal indigenous vegetation and resources are required for survival. As perfectly designed, magnificent systems that grow, heal and reproduce we are provided in nature the suitable resources to optimise our conditions to achieve what "God" intended.

Bearing that idea in mind, it is not always possible or practical to follow those principles.
The more natural our diet with whole foods, and the fresher, more nutritious, less-processed products are consumed and with the avoidance of chemical additives in skin care and food the more efficiently the body system will operate.

It is worth mentioning that the environment where much of the current large-scale crops of fruit and vegetables are grown, are depleted of many minerals due to long term mismanagement of soils. This indicates that unless your diet is mostly organic or biodynamically grown it may not be as nourishing as you would expect.

For optimum nutrition some supplements are a daily necessity.
The following list comprises naturally balanced and readily absorbed highly nutrient-rich super food products; Flaxseed Oil, Spirulina, Goji Juice and the biochemic mineral salts available from "Dr Schuessler's" Tissue Salts. The dosage and frequency of administration is explained fully on the label of these products, and purchased from the Health food store. There are many more mineral, vitamin and therapeutic herbal formulations of great benefit so do some research or consult a practitioner in the field for advise.

Energy can be generated within the body using a series of excercises known as "The 5 Tibetan Rites".
These will clear blockages and activate the chakra centres to increase the life force energy utilised by the body to operate the systems. Some benefits of practice include increased stamina, improved health and radiance and over time, have been said to reverse the aging process.

It is best to start slowly, as fitness improves then increase the repititions. Those with disabilities may still participate by performing the rites in their mind as if they were physical taking action.
Even one performance of each rite is helpful so give it a try.

The first rite is to be repeated until you feel slightly dizzy. The following rites can begin at one repitition and increased by one or two as your fitness improves.

The ideal is three repeats of each, to be performed a number of times over the course of the day, i.e. morning, afternoon and evening. However, these are not hard and fast rules so do what you can when you can.


Stand with your arms outstretched horizontally and legs hip-width apart. Slowly begin to spin from left to right (clockwise)until you feel slightly dizzy. As you do this more and more over time you will be able to spin for longer and not become dizzy. It is helpful to keep your eyes focused on a position in front and as you rotate turn your head immediately back to this point of focus.


Lie on your back, flat on the floor, face up with your hands (palms down) by your sides.
Slowly, as you take a deep breath in, raise your legs up in a vertical position, keeping them straight, whilst at the same time lifting your head up toward your chest. On your breath out, slowly, lower your legs and head back to the original position.


Kneel on the floor with with your body erect. Place your hands down by your sides against your thigh muscles. Lower your head forward onto your chest. Next, throw the head and neck back as far as you can, arch the spine and brace with your hands around the back of your thighs as support then return to the original position. At the same time as you put your head up and back take a breath in and as you bring it back to your chest breath out.


Begin, by sitting with legs outstretched, about 12" apart. Palms should be on the floor beside your hips and chin tucked into chest. Then as you take a breath in, throw your head back and raise your body bending your knees and keeping your arms straight. the trunk of the body comes up and forms a horizontal bridge and is a straight line with the upper legs. relax and return to the sitting position whilst exhaling.


Lie face down and support your body with your hands and feet spaced each at about 2 feet apart.
Your hands will be straight down from your shoulders supporting your weight with your back arched and sagging and your head tilted back. Again as you take a breath in bring your head forward and down and raise your back up into an inverted V. Return to your original position as you breath out.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Know Thyself- Part 2 Self help and development

The difference between those of us who feel fulfilled and those who are dissatisfied can be determined by the questions we ask ourselves.

The practice of compiling lists clarifies our likes, dislikes and areas needing attention in our lives, to enable us to take positive action there and keep track of our progress. It is too easy to make a few minor changes and then slip back into the "old rut". We must be determined, dedicated and diligent in our effort to grow! Constantly expanding your lists and setting aside time every day to record your thoughts is crucial therapy!

To really know ourselves and set upon the path to healing our lives we progress holistically and work on our mind, body and spirit simultaneously with a balanced approach. It is the changes we make inside that will manifest the changes we desire outside of ourselves.

The Buddhist philosophy proposes that human beings are all fundamentally pure beings. Over many lifetimes our karma accumulates enveloping us in an energetic dross whilst the perfect essence remains indestructable. It is our evolutionary journey to slough off these layers and return to our true pristine intrinsic nature.

There are many and varied avenues that will take us where we aspire to go. The method to choose is the one that feels right for you but today for expedience I will introduce the course that I have successfully practiced and note that it is no better or worse than any other.

This excercise requires 20 to 30 minutes of uninterrupted privacy and should be performed every day;

Compose a new separate list. Focus on the gamut of negative emotions and states that we all suffer and write them down. Some examples; negativity, anger, fear, resentment, jealousy, greed and so on....continue with your own experiences. List also the positive states you wish to enhance. The next item required is a hand-held mirror, hence it is called "Mirror work".

For this practice I shall use the term "Divine Source" to indicate the concept of God, Creator, Spirit or Higher Self - you may substitute with any name you feel comfortable with.

* I strongly recommend that you drink a glass of water before commencing any session of healing work.

Sit comfortably, have your mirror and list at hand.

First, close your eyes and take some deep relaxing breaths.
Focus your attention on letting go of the day's tension and worries and feel your body release and relax. Take as much time as you need.

Visualise a bright white glow above your head and allow it to extend and flow down over your body and expand out past the boundaries of your space, like a glowing force field of protection.

Next, imagine a deep red glow forming underneath you and slowly radiate that glow up and out through your body and out the top of your head. Follow on with orange light coming up from your base and filling your body and out through the top of your head. Imagine a golden yellow force rising up from your base through you and radiating out your crown area. A beautiful deep emerald green light forms within your centre and flows out to the extremities of your body and up and out to the verges of space and beyond. Rich sky blue forms a glow within your throat and spreads out and through your whole body and up through the top of your head. Visualise an indigo glow forming between your eyebrows and expanding to fill your head and up through the crown. Finally a majestic violet purple haze beams down from above and wraps you in a cosy, comfortable safe blanket of healing light. You are relaxed and protected and ready to begin your Mirror work.

Hold the mirror close to your face and look into your eyes, say out loud;

"I ask the Divine Source to gently heal this soul."

Repeat this sentence until you have a reaction ( it may be up to 10 times or more).
Everyone is different so the release could take any form, i.e., yawn, sneeze, cough, burp, sigh, or a physical sensation.

Do not move on with the next until you have had a release with the first.

"I ask the Divine Source to release me from my negativity."

Repeat until you have a reaction as before.

Move on to the next.

"I ask the Divine Source to release me from my anger."

"I ask the Divine Source to release me from my karma."

Continue with this process through your list of emotions, but only move to the next when you experience a sensation of release.
You will find that, over time, the more regularly you do this the more quickly you will release.

When making a positive request you may say something like...

"I ask the Divine Source to fill me with compassion."
"I ask the Divine Source for forgiveness."
"I ask the Divine Source to fill me with happiness."
"I ask the Divine Source for abundance and prosperity."

The list goes on...

As you work with this process you will experience less and less of the destructive emotions and more of the positive, as requested. It may take some time to notice any difference but it will come so be patient, persistent and dedicated.

The physical body will be the subject of the next post. We will discuss how to increase energy and assist the body to use its own systems to heal itself.

Until attention to your posture, sit and stand with a straight back and smile a lot.

Let the world see the real you.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

What is my purpose? Part 1 Self help and development

I think everyone asks "that" question at one time or another over the course of their lives.

On this particular occasion -what is my purpose for being here, right now, blogging?

The answer is pretty much the same in the broad and the immediate context share what I have learned and to help others to help themselves.

Everyone wants happiness but not everyone experiences it.

Let's hypothesise, "your" life is not quite how you imagined it when you were younger. Lately, you don't feel your usual chirpy, fun-loving self. Your energy levels are down-you have to drag yourself out of bed in the morning and your general health could certainly be better. Supposedly, circumstances have your finances travelling on a permanent roller coaster ride and relationships are problematic. You would rather be anywhere else than at your boring job day in day out. We could go on indefinitely griping on about the unsatisfactory state of things. Instead let's elaborate on how to turn it all around and discover fulfilment.

The truth is that we have to take full responsibility for our circumstances and really get right to the heart of how we want our life to be. It's important to determine where, how and why we are not content and to what degree.
Has it reached the stage where you can't bear it any more or are you really just having a "whinge"? Do you need a great big shake up or some tweaking at the edges?

Ok, you have taken a serious, close-up look at your life and made some discoveries and realisations but now we are going to make it official.

Where do you begin to make these shifts? At the beginning, of course!

My favourite tools for transformation, the writing pad and pen!

Make a list of:

  • the situations you are not happy with,
  • the points about yourself you want to change,
  • the people in your life that are most important to you,
  • the people in your life that make you feel unhappy,
  • ten things you always wanted to do,
  • ten things you are really good at,
  • the health issues you need to improve,
  • some short term and long term financial goals,
  • how you can contribute to the greater good.

Now develop more of your own points and keep expanding your lists.

So here we have the first stages of self-analysis and self-awareness in our "personal development" strategy.

A continual process of soul searching and contemplation is necessary and the resulting benefits manifest very quickly to make it very worthwhile.

My next post will follow on with ideas and techniques for developing the life you desire and the happiness you deserve. I will share some very interesting methods not widely known but hugely effective.

Until fantastic, enjoy and if you can't then just pretend you are!