Wednesday, January 24, 2007

What is my purpose? Part 1 Self help and development

I think everyone asks "that" question at one time or another over the course of their lives.

On this particular occasion -what is my purpose for being here, right now, blogging?

The answer is pretty much the same in the broad and the immediate context share what I have learned and to help others to help themselves.

Everyone wants happiness but not everyone experiences it.

Let's hypothesise, "your" life is not quite how you imagined it when you were younger. Lately, you don't feel your usual chirpy, fun-loving self. Your energy levels are down-you have to drag yourself out of bed in the morning and your general health could certainly be better. Supposedly, circumstances have your finances travelling on a permanent roller coaster ride and relationships are problematic. You would rather be anywhere else than at your boring job day in day out. We could go on indefinitely griping on about the unsatisfactory state of things. Instead let's elaborate on how to turn it all around and discover fulfilment.

The truth is that we have to take full responsibility for our circumstances and really get right to the heart of how we want our life to be. It's important to determine where, how and why we are not content and to what degree.
Has it reached the stage where you can't bear it any more or are you really just having a "whinge"? Do you need a great big shake up or some tweaking at the edges?

Ok, you have taken a serious, close-up look at your life and made some discoveries and realisations but now we are going to make it official.

Where do you begin to make these shifts? At the beginning, of course!

My favourite tools for transformation, the writing pad and pen!

Make a list of:

  • the situations you are not happy with,
  • the points about yourself you want to change,
  • the people in your life that are most important to you,
  • the people in your life that make you feel unhappy,
  • ten things you always wanted to do,
  • ten things you are really good at,
  • the health issues you need to improve,
  • some short term and long term financial goals,
  • how you can contribute to the greater good.

Now develop more of your own points and keep expanding your lists.

So here we have the first stages of self-analysis and self-awareness in our "personal development" strategy.

A continual process of soul searching and contemplation is necessary and the resulting benefits manifest very quickly to make it very worthwhile.

My next post will follow on with ideas and techniques for developing the life you desire and the happiness you deserve. I will share some very interesting methods not widely known but hugely effective.

Until fantastic, enjoy and if you can't then just pretend you are!


Brian H. Gaugler said...

Lisa--nice job. I really like your content and the professional way you deliver the material.

The Words of wisdom side column needs more spacing--it reads like one big sentence.

Keep up the good work!

I am new to blogging also. My blog is


Thank you for your feedback on my article.

I read your blog also and would like to offer some comments.
To make your opening paragraph more interesting it could also use some more spacing.

As I am not a religious person I find the terms you use quite strong. I am aware that it is important to express ourselves in our own natural way but it may be a little offputting to some.

I look forward to reading more of your blog in future and I hope you will do the same for me.

Al said...

This is a very stimulating article. There is a book written by Dr. John Neafsey called A Sacred Voice is Calling. I have only read the beginning so far, but it discusses how doing what we are truly called to do can help solve all the problems that we can address. The Sacred Voice calling could be God, or any number of other things, including one's inner drive. We all must do what it is we believe we should do. Thank you for the comment earlier.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your article. I know my pupose in life though a long the way a few bad apples spoil the bushel and I have to start all over picking from the tree. I know you are likely saying hu, but that comment makes sense to me.