Sunday, June 7, 2009


It seems to me that many people have to sink very low on the emotional scale to find the motivation to search within themselves, to examine their lives, the areas and issues that are causing them pain and misery, and the changes needed in order to begin the process of healing and alignment to a truthful existence. In fact getting to know the self is the core issue and ignoring this fundamental innate desire is what results in the unsatisfactory situations and experiences.

What then is a truthful existence? It is clarifying and determining the priorities, the principles, the actions and creations that represent who you are inside and what you truly believe and are not based upon others' expectations or demands of you. That is not to say that you dont believe or follow other ideas and or have responsibilities but that they are true and relevant as you know them to be in your heart and soul, willingly and positively chosen.

Spirituality is a constant and never ending stream of communication from the Universe and Divine Force that guides and directs our thoughts, actions and concepts from a Love consciousness and understanding. This is the true, undisputable and determining essence of the energy. A truthful life is steered by this communication that channels directly and benevolently to and through the individual for theirs' and the whole higher good.

That sounds very idealist and ambitious but in actuality and more simply put, one lives according to how an action or thought sits and feels within our self and our heart and how that action or thought may play out and what consequences may result. This is the definition of karma, the cause and effect principle, how what we do and say and think manifests out in the world. There really is no such thing as good or bad-human labels to categorise, there are only results and consequences of actions and reactions.

To really get to this degree of clarification one needs to go inside and examine the self and live according to what is found. The question often asked is, what should I do with my life? What is my purpose? However, the better question might be, how do I want to participate, and how can I serve in a way that makes me feel good, happy and positive?

It is more important to understand who you want to be rather than what you want to do. What motivation creates the action? This is not always straight forward as there can be good things done for negative reasons and bad things done for positive reasons. Again more simply put, an action is either for progressive life and growth or a step away from life and growth, motivated by either love or fear.

How do we apply these concepts to our everyday lives? By understanding and determining how we want to be and how we want to participate we have a guide for our actions and can use this as the reference point with which to steer. An example that clearly demonstrates how this might be put into practice, is in how we think about our finances and material aspect of life.

Most of us, even at our lowest point still have or have access to, some money, whether 5c or $50000, it makes no difference. Most of us, have a wardrobe of warm clothes, blankets, food in our stomach, and daily comforts, are not dying or truly suffering from lack but only suffering from wanting more and an idea of not enough. Motivation= fear and lack. Love would say we have everything we need to survive in a comfortable manner and the obstacles lie in our perceptions and self talk. It may be positive and useful to ask ourselves why we need or want more, how will more make us feel and what are the pros and cons of more.

The Law of Attraction demonstrates that what we focus on, whether consciously or unconsciously, is manifested into our daily lives. If focussed on lack that is what we will see and experience, if focussed on abundance that is what will be. There will always be something to complain about or feel badly over if you look hard enough but the same applies from a positive view that there is much to be thankful for. Having a sense of gratitude and appreciation for all things in life and nature attracts more experiences of the same or better.

It is easy to sit alone in a cave on a mountain and meditate and be in communication and connected to the Divine. It is in interacting with other people, health challenges, experiences and situations in our daily life, that we have the opportunity to put these spiritual principles and concepts to use. When we make a mistake we feel discomfort and this teaches us what not to do. Negative emotions, prickling conscience, recurring negative thoughts and life themes are the signs and indications that suggest a wrong turn or a less than favourable choice whereas a sense of relief or positive emotion may signify a wiser choice. Declining health and energy levels might also denote a detour away from what our true self desires.

We can see clearly that the global consciousness of fear, negativity and greed has only brought destructive results and that we cannot hope to restore balance by continuing in this vein. As Einstein said, " our problems cannot be solved with the same thinking that created them".

The "New Age" and all that is encompassed under that heading is only true spirituality when the motivation that drives it is love. Crystals, tarot cards, magnetic pendants, alternative therapies, mediumship and psychic abilities, these are all only tools to assist the self to know and heal. True spirituality is knowing compassion and love for other beings without judgement, healing yourself not only for your own benefit but also to be of use to others, being an example and following the guidance received through the heart from the Divine Source that has only love for us. Recognition, ego, superiority and separation are not spiritual concepts but equality, empathy, service and connectedness are.

We are all pure at heart and all guided by love and the Divine Spirit within. Listening to the right inner voice and making heartfelt decisions, that is what spirituality is. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."


Anonymous said...

ha, I will try out my thought, your post give me some good ideas, it's truly awesome, thanks.

- Norman

Warwick said...

Love your thinking and "seeing".