It has been said by some very wise teachers that the further we remove ourselves from the connection with the Divine Spirit and the natural rhythms of Earth and the Universe, the more unhealthy and unhappy we become.
This truth is obvious when we take a wide view and examine society in general and see how this dissociation has impacted on our state of mind and the environment. We strive to lift our depressed spirits and to sweeten and fulfill our lives.
On a personal and physical human level, the incidence of cancer, asthma, heart disease and so many other illnesses expands at a similar rate to our girth.
A parallel comparison can be made from these developments.
For example:
- Our cells mutate and develop malignant behaviour whilst we adulterate our foods with processing, additives and preservatives, genetic-modification, etc.
- As stress and overwhelm from the increasing demands and pressures of hectic schedules and workloads builds, we struggle for breath.
- By measuring the worth of a person by their material wealth and possessions, we feel no compassion or love for the under-privileged and poverty-stricken, (the fuel for our vehicles considered more necessary than a life) the more diseased our hearts become.
Our roadways, footpaths, carparks, school grounds and backyards are covered with bitumen and concrete. We are drained of energy and suffer accumulated exhaustion from our shopping and working travels when there is no contact with the soil and only minimal exposure to vegetation and trees.
The natural resources of our planet are squandered and greedily consumed, the environment polluted with the identical thoughtlessness and selfishness the individual comsumer shows in their purchase of disposable and plastic products.
Our individuality is quashed by induced behaviour modifiers like Ritalin. The biological processors and receptors that guide us truly are blocked, damaged and stifled through regular intake of alcohol, drugs, pharmaceutical medications and vaccinations, and a plethora of electro-magnetic fields emanating from computers, mobile phones and other technologies.
The television and media dictates how we should look, behave and fit in to this distorted abnormal picture of life- a most successful method of moulding and steering society that ensures profits and wealth from our productivity, revenue from our consumerism and bad health, goes to those in power whilst guaranteeing our ignorance, weakness and obedience.
While it may be almost impossible to bring about massive changes on a global scale immediately, we can certainly reconnect to our life force, the Earth, in a personal way right now.
Life-giving energy radiates out from the Earth and is received through our feet and connection to the ground, absorbed and permeated throughout our bodies. To stand barefoot on grass, soil or sand, to lie on your back beneath a tree or to swim in the ocean is an energising and connecting experience.
As an engine needs petrol and oil to run efficiently, our body's mechanism requires pure fuel to nourish and sustain it and will break down, like the engine, when the wrong substances are added. By eating highly nutrient-rich fresh fruit and vegetables and natural foods grown organically we provide the necessary and varied readily absorbed vitamins and minerals that are lacking or synthesised in processed and manufactured food products. Being discerning and informed when selecting personal care and beauty products, detergents and household necessities will also minimise our exposure to toxic ingredients that upset our delicate systems and interfere with the vital force that sustains us.
yeah, totally agree with you, life is so monotonous with concrete jungles, we start to see less of the real beauty of this world. By the way, if you want to see earth, be sure to watch the television show "Planet Earth". it real good.
anyway, come check out my blog if you have any questions
it a blog that answers questions of anykind, you can ask about the enviornment, the sea, the planet and you can also ask about the human pollutions.
turst me, the answers given s so great that it even better than answer.com itself.
very well written. i'm going out to connect with the Great Mother RIGHT NOW! thanks for these wonderful reminders to care for our whole beings, Lisa. your blog is a real gift. thank you.
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