Thank You - Part 5 Self help and development.
Love your life!
Understand that you are the channel through which the Universe experiences its own creation.
Appreciate the faculties and senses bestowed in your physical form.
Every colour, shape, and vision, and every smell, sound and sensation is opportunity to pay homage for your existence.
Being is participating in the artistry of life.
Ponder the infinitesimal individual particles unseen and wonder at the conglomeration of formation.
Be awestruck by the brilliance of a flower and captivated by the shape of a cloud.
Find fascination in the ocean and joy at the laugh of an infant.
Know that no matter how unfortunate you perceive your existence there is always one who suffers more.
Be grateful for your blessings and you will be granted an abundance of them.
Feel benevolently towards others and allow their kind-hearted reciprocation.
Recognise the shadows but stand in the light.
Happiness is a state of mind, be it.
Thank you for your comment, Lisa. Instead of plastic wrap I'm using a lot of hankies! and wax paper that I can reuse and reuse and then compost. Love your blog! Very positive and inspiring.
hi - thanks for visiting my blog. I love yours!! I can't wait until I have more time to explore your blog - sounds like we are like minded and you're from Australia too - I think that is cool!
I'll be back to visit! Beth
I'm really enjoying your blog, Lisa. It's so full of great information! I'm glad to find you.
I have some dried Goji berries that I'm wondering how to use! Can you help?
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