The practice of compiling lists clarifies our likes, dislikes and areas needing attention in our lives, to enable us to take positive action there and keep track of our progress. It is too easy to make a few minor changes and then slip back into the "old rut". We must be determined, dedicated and diligent in our effort to grow! Constantly expanding your lists and setting aside time every day to record your thoughts is crucial therapy!
To really know ourselves and set upon the path to healing our lives we progress holistically and work on our mind, body and spirit simultaneously with a balanced approach. It is the changes we make inside that will manifest the changes we desire outside of ourselves.
The Buddhist philosophy proposes that human beings are all fundamentally pure beings. Over many lifetimes our karma accumulates enveloping us in an energetic dross whilst the perfect essence remains indestructable. It is our evolutionary journey to slough off these layers and return to our true pristine intrinsic nature.
There are many and varied avenues that will take us where we aspire to go. The method to choose is the one that feels right for you but today for expedience I will introduce the course that I have successfully practiced and note that it is no better or worse than any other.
This excercise requires 20 to 30 minutes of uninterrupted privacy and should be performed every day;
Compose a new separate list. Focus on the gamut of negative emotions and states that we all suffer and write them down. Some examples; negativity, anger, fear, resentment, jealousy, greed and so on....continue with your own experiences. List also the positive states you wish to enhance. The next item required is a hand-held mirror, hence it is called "Mirror work".
For this practice I shall use the term "Divine Source" to indicate the concept of God, Creator, Spirit or Higher Self - you may substitute with any name you feel comfortable with.
* I strongly recommend that you drink a glass of water before commencing any session of healing work.
Sit comfortably, have your mirror and list at hand.
First, close your eyes and take some deep relaxing breaths.
Focus your attention on letting go of the day's tension and worries and feel your body release and relax. Take as much time as you need.
Visualise a bright white glow above your head and allow it to extend and flow down over your body and expand out past the boundaries of your space, like a glowing force field of protection.
Next, imagine a deep red glow forming underneath you and slowly radiate that glow up and out through your body and out the top of your head. Follow on with orange light coming up from your base and filling your body and out through the top of your head. Imagine a golden yellow force rising up from your base through you and radiating out your crown area. A beautiful deep emerald green light forms within your centre and flows out to the extremities of your body and up and out to the verges of space and beyond. Rich sky blue forms a glow within your throat and spreads out and through your whole body and up through the top of your head. Visualise an indigo glow forming between your eyebrows and expanding to fill your head and up through the crown. Finally a majestic violet purple haze beams down from above and wraps you in a cosy, comfortable safe blanket of healing light. You are relaxed and protected and ready to begin your Mirror work.
Hold the mirror close to your face and look into your eyes, say out loud;
"I ask the Divine Source to gently heal this soul."
Repeat this sentence until you have a reaction ( it may be up to 10 times or more).
Everyone is different so the release could take any form, i.e., yawn, sneeze, cough, burp, sigh, or a physical sensation.
Do not move on with the next until you have had a release with the first.
"I ask the Divine Source to release me from my negativity."
Repeat until you have a reaction as before.
Move on to the next.
"I ask the Divine Source to release me from my anger."
"I ask the Divine Source to release me from my karma."
Continue with this process through your list of emotions, but only move to the next when you experience a sensation of release.
You will find that, over time, the more regularly you do this the more quickly you will release.
When making a positive request you may say something like...
"I ask the Divine Source to fill me with compassion."
"I ask the Divine Source for forgiveness."
"I ask the Divine Source to fill me with happiness."
"I ask the Divine Source for abundance and prosperity."
The list goes on...
As you work with this process you will experience less and less of the destructive emotions and more of the positive, as requested. It may take some time to notice any difference but it will come so be patient, persistent and dedicated.
The physical body will be the subject of the next post. We will discuss how to increase energy and assist the body to use its own systems to heal itself.
Until attention to your posture, sit and stand with a straight back and smile a lot.
Let the world see the real you.
Very useful and motivating article.My good wishes.My blog is almost on same lines.Pl visit and offer your expert comments.
Thank you for your feedback on my article.
I liked your blog also.
I have read a little from the Tao and always find it very!!! inspiring and enlightening.
I would be interested to read more truths from the Vedic scriptures if you are so inclined.
I hope you will continue to read my blog as I hope to add to it regularly.
Family G je technika posilňovania nehnuteľnosť na predaj alebo prenájom, veľmi populárne v zahraničí. Za pár hodín (nanajvýš niekoľko dní), za málo peňazí (spravidla niekoľko sto euro) a bez prílišného narušenia (obmedzenia nepríjemné pocity v prípade, že sú ľudia, ktorí žijú v dome, kým na trhu je) FamilyG dobré domáce veterán je príjemné a útulné prostredie ukazovať čo najväčší počet návštevníkov. Kladie dôraz na pozitívne vlastnosti domu, odstránenie alebo aspoň minimalizáciu malé chyby. Ale nielen to.
Osobnosť vlastníka je "neutralizovať", pokiaľ je to možné. To bude robiť to veľa ľahší Family G pre potenciálnych kupcov, aby si predstaviť seba spokojne žije v týchto priestoroch. A tak bude mať "láska na prvý pohľad, ktorá takmer vždy vedie ku kúpe domu FamilyG.
Ako všetky realitné kancelárie vedieť, dôležité, pretože sa jedná o cenu, veľkosť, plocha, atď. V rozhodnutí o kúpe domov emocionálne vplyv je rozhodujúce, pretože to je dôležitejšie ako kúpa života pre väčšinu Family G ľudí. dobre urobil fotky, ktoré bolo prijaté po intervencii Family G, iste zvýši počet návštevníkov veľký záujem, čo významne zvyšuje šanca na predaj či prenájom v krátkodobom horizonte. Family G je pre súkromné a na realitných maklérov. Ponúka tiež poradenstvo online FamilyG.
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