Personal development, health & wellbeing, spirituality, and alternative ideas.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
The Body Corporate Part 3 Self help and development
The most obvious method of charging the body with energy is in the food we consume. The greatest amount of food energy is from freshly picked raw produce still living. However, as food ages and is further removed from its natural state so does the nutritional "life force" energy reduce.
If one considers themselves in the primitive state, as a wild creature foraging for food, the seasonal indigenous vegetation and resources are required for survival. As perfectly designed, magnificent systems that grow, heal and reproduce we are provided in nature the suitable resources to optimise our conditions to achieve what "God" intended.
Bearing that idea in mind, it is not always possible or practical to follow those principles.
The more natural our diet with whole foods, and the fresher, more nutritious, less-processed products are consumed and with the avoidance of chemical additives in skin care and food the more efficiently the body system will operate.
It is worth mentioning that the environment where much of the current large-scale crops of fruit and vegetables are grown, are depleted of many minerals due to long term mismanagement of soils. This indicates that unless your diet is mostly organic or biodynamically grown it may not be as nourishing as you would expect.
For optimum nutrition some supplements are a daily necessity.
The following list comprises naturally balanced and readily absorbed highly nutrient-rich super food products; Flaxseed Oil, Spirulina, Goji Juice and the biochemic mineral salts available from "Dr Schuessler's" Tissue Salts. The dosage and frequency of administration is explained fully on the label of these products, and purchased from the Health food store. There are many more mineral, vitamin and therapeutic herbal formulations of great benefit so do some research or consult a practitioner in the field for advise.
Energy can be generated within the body using a series of excercises known as "The 5 Tibetan Rites".
These will clear blockages and activate the chakra centres to increase the life force energy utilised by the body to operate the systems. Some benefits of practice include increased stamina, improved health and radiance and over time, have been said to reverse the aging process.
*It is best to start slowly, as fitness improves then increase the repititions. Those with disabilities may still participate by performing the rites in their mind as if they were physical taking action.
Even one performance of each rite is helpful so give it a try.
The first rite is to be repeated until you feel slightly dizzy. The following rites can begin at one repitition and increased by one or two as your fitness improves.
The ideal is three repeats of each, to be performed a number of times over the course of the day, i.e. morning, afternoon and evening. However, these are not hard and fast rules so do what you can when you can.
Stand with your arms outstretched horizontally and legs hip-width apart. Slowly begin to spin from left to right (clockwise)until you feel slightly dizzy. As you do this more and more over time you will be able to spin for longer and not become dizzy. It is helpful to keep your eyes focused on a position in front and as you rotate turn your head immediately back to this point of focus.
Lie on your back, flat on the floor, face up with your hands (palms down) by your sides.
Slowly, as you take a deep breath in, raise your legs up in a vertical position, keeping them straight, whilst at the same time lifting your head up toward your chest. On your breath out, slowly, lower your legs and head back to the original position.
Kneel on the floor with with your body erect. Place your hands down by your sides against your thigh muscles. Lower your head forward onto your chest. Next, throw the head and neck back as far as you can, arch the spine and brace with your hands around the back of your thighs as support then return to the original position. At the same time as you put your head up and back take a breath in and as you bring it back to your chest breath out.
Begin, by sitting with legs outstretched, about 12" apart. Palms should be on the floor beside your hips and chin tucked into chest. Then as you take a breath in, throw your head back and raise your body bending your knees and keeping your arms straight. the trunk of the body comes up and forms a horizontal bridge and is a straight line with the upper legs. relax and return to the sitting position whilst exhaling.
Lie face down and support your body with your hands and feet spaced each at about 2 feet apart.
Your hands will be straight down from your shoulders supporting your weight with your back arched and sagging and your head tilted back. Again as you take a breath in bring your head forward and down and raise your back up into an inverted V. Return to your original position as you breath out.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Know Thyself- Part 2 Self help and development
The practice of compiling lists clarifies our likes, dislikes and areas needing attention in our lives, to enable us to take positive action there and keep track of our progress. It is too easy to make a few minor changes and then slip back into the "old rut". We must be determined, dedicated and diligent in our effort to grow! Constantly expanding your lists and setting aside time every day to record your thoughts is crucial therapy!
To really know ourselves and set upon the path to healing our lives we progress holistically and work on our mind, body and spirit simultaneously with a balanced approach. It is the changes we make inside that will manifest the changes we desire outside of ourselves.
The Buddhist philosophy proposes that human beings are all fundamentally pure beings. Over many lifetimes our karma accumulates enveloping us in an energetic dross whilst the perfect essence remains indestructable. It is our evolutionary journey to slough off these layers and return to our true pristine intrinsic nature.
There are many and varied avenues that will take us where we aspire to go. The method to choose is the one that feels right for you but today for expedience I will introduce the course that I have successfully practiced and note that it is no better or worse than any other.
This excercise requires 20 to 30 minutes of uninterrupted privacy and should be performed every day;
Compose a new separate list. Focus on the gamut of negative emotions and states that we all suffer and write them down. Some examples; negativity, anger, fear, resentment, jealousy, greed and so on....continue with your own experiences. List also the positive states you wish to enhance. The next item required is a hand-held mirror, hence it is called "Mirror work".
For this practice I shall use the term "Divine Source" to indicate the concept of God, Creator, Spirit or Higher Self - you may substitute with any name you feel comfortable with.
* I strongly recommend that you drink a glass of water before commencing any session of healing work.
Sit comfortably, have your mirror and list at hand.
First, close your eyes and take some deep relaxing breaths.
Focus your attention on letting go of the day's tension and worries and feel your body release and relax. Take as much time as you need.
Visualise a bright white glow above your head and allow it to extend and flow down over your body and expand out past the boundaries of your space, like a glowing force field of protection.
Next, imagine a deep red glow forming underneath you and slowly radiate that glow up and out through your body and out the top of your head. Follow on with orange light coming up from your base and filling your body and out through the top of your head. Imagine a golden yellow force rising up from your base through you and radiating out your crown area. A beautiful deep emerald green light forms within your centre and flows out to the extremities of your body and up and out to the verges of space and beyond. Rich sky blue forms a glow within your throat and spreads out and through your whole body and up through the top of your head. Visualise an indigo glow forming between your eyebrows and expanding to fill your head and up through the crown. Finally a majestic violet purple haze beams down from above and wraps you in a cosy, comfortable safe blanket of healing light. You are relaxed and protected and ready to begin your Mirror work.
Hold the mirror close to your face and look into your eyes, say out loud;
"I ask the Divine Source to gently heal this soul."
Repeat this sentence until you have a reaction ( it may be up to 10 times or more).
Everyone is different so the release could take any form, i.e., yawn, sneeze, cough, burp, sigh, or a physical sensation.
Do not move on with the next until you have had a release with the first.
"I ask the Divine Source to release me from my negativity."
Repeat until you have a reaction as before.
Move on to the next.
"I ask the Divine Source to release me from my anger."
"I ask the Divine Source to release me from my karma."
Continue with this process through your list of emotions, but only move to the next when you experience a sensation of release.
You will find that, over time, the more regularly you do this the more quickly you will release.
When making a positive request you may say something like...
"I ask the Divine Source to fill me with compassion."
"I ask the Divine Source for forgiveness."
"I ask the Divine Source to fill me with happiness."
"I ask the Divine Source for abundance and prosperity."
The list goes on...
As you work with this process you will experience less and less of the destructive emotions and more of the positive, as requested. It may take some time to notice any difference but it will come so be patient, persistent and dedicated.
The physical body will be the subject of the next post. We will discuss how to increase energy and assist the body to use its own systems to heal itself.
Until attention to your posture, sit and stand with a straight back and smile a lot.
Let the world see the real you.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
What is my purpose? Part 1 Self help and development
I think everyone asks "that" question at one time or another over the course of their lives.
On this particular occasion -what is my purpose for being here, right now, blogging?
The answer is pretty much the same in the broad and the immediate context share what I have learned and to help others to help themselves.
Everyone wants happiness but not everyone experiences it.
Let's hypothesise, "your" life is not quite how you imagined it when you were younger. Lately, you don't feel your usual chirpy, fun-loving self. Your energy levels are down-you have to drag yourself out of bed in the morning and your general health could certainly be better. Supposedly, circumstances have your finances travelling on a permanent roller coaster ride and relationships are problematic. You would rather be anywhere else than at your boring job day in day out. We could go on indefinitely griping on about the unsatisfactory state of things. Instead let's elaborate on how to turn it all around and discover fulfilment.
The truth is that we have to take full responsibility for our circumstances and really get right to the heart of how we want our life to be. It's important to determine where, how and why we are not content and to what degree.
Has it reached the stage where you can't bear it any more or are you really just having a "whinge"? Do you need a great big shake up or some tweaking at the edges?
Ok, you have taken a serious, close-up look at your life and made some discoveries and realisations but now we are going to make it official.
Where do you begin to make these shifts? At the beginning, of course!
My favourite tools for transformation, the writing pad and pen!
Make a list of:
- the situations you are not happy with,
- the points about yourself you want to change,
- the people in your life that are most important to you,
- the people in your life that make you feel unhappy,
- ten things you always wanted to do,
- ten things you are really good at,
- the health issues you need to improve,
- some short term and long term financial goals,
- how you can contribute to the greater good.
Now develop more of your own points and keep expanding your lists.
So here we have the first stages of self-analysis and self-awareness in our "personal development" strategy.
A continual process of soul searching and contemplation is necessary and the resulting benefits manifest very quickly to make it very worthwhile.
My next post will follow on with ideas and techniques for developing the life you desire and the happiness you deserve. I will share some very interesting methods not widely known but hugely effective.
Until fantastic, enjoy and if you can't then just pretend you are!