In my previous article, The Art of Healing, I briefly discussed the avenues that led to Samuel Hahnemann's discovery of Homoeopathy and his specialised method for producing remedies. Hahnemann also formulated several laws that apply to the manner in which the human body develops disease and how it heals. Although this is a very extensive topic I will give an overview of these theories to illustrate how Homoeopathy works.
Hahnemann postulated that all illness came from a common beginning and multiplied in its complexity and severity over time and generations to produce many more potential symptoms and outcomes. He categorised how the diseases formed, their possible manifestations, and described points of recognition for treatment by his remedies. He named these classifications, miasms, and wrote very detailed and specific records to determine the constitution of the individual according to the possible miasm acting within.
When taking the case of a patient Hahnemann would study all aspects of the client from their history of illness, their families' history, their work and daily lives, their likes and dislikes, emotions etc. and he wanted very precise and detailed description of the symptom causing the current problem. By closely studying the symptoms and the patient in general he could find the most suitable (similar remedy-being the principle behind Hom. prescribing) treatment to effect a cure.
Hahnemann discovered that when more than one disease existed in the body, only the strongest would manifest symptoms and the weaker would go into dormancy, forming layers. Then traditional allopathic treatments would suppress the symptom, resulting in the disease being driven deeper and made more serious only to reappear again later in a different form. Over time a patient may exhibit a changing and worsening picture of what was initially a minor problem that through wrong handling developed into a serious or life-threatening condition.
Homoeopathic treatments were chosen and taken according to the presenting symptoms and then a period of time elapsed until the preceding symptoms appeared, sometimes less than a day or could take much longer. These new presenting symptoms indicate that the previous symptom has been cured and the next layer of disease exposed- a sign of correct remedy selection and condition improvement. Ideally, the case would be followed and ongoing treatment would eventually result in a complete cure and return to good health. The definition of good health was when the individual had no presenting symptoms, a positive and happy state of mind and active lifestyle.
The principles and methods of Hahnemann's are still in existence today and strictly followed by "Classical Homoepaths." The underlining Law of Similars-"that which can produce a set of symptoms in a healthy individual can treat a sick individual who is manifesting a similar set of symptoms", the method of repertorisation (the manner in which a remedy is selected) and the miasmic diagnosis remain as definites within this doctrine. There have been a some new alternative approaches in selecting appropriate potency and frequency of dosage, in combining more than one remedy, and hundreds of new materials proven and documented as remedies, since Hahnemann's day. The procedure for potentising the remedies has been mechanised and some technologies made available that can replicate the energy pattern of a particular substance to administer by radionic means.
The gentle and highly effective curative act of potentised and homoeopathic materials is becoming more widely accepted and many hospitals now encorporate alternative medicines into their routines. I have been using Homoeopathic practitioners, remedies and methods both personally and on my family, friends and animals for nearly ten years and consistently find them to be powerful yet subtle for curing on a permanent basis and also for ameliorating the acute symptoms in the short term.
By undertaking a program of maintaining good health and preventative measures, utillising the therapies that are readily available and keeping a positive attitude will minimise the susceptibility to illness and improve the immune response, thereby ensuring "more life in your years and more years in your life."