In 1987 an amazing person, Linda Goodman, wrote of an intuitive divining art, gifted from the Universe, to discover secrets and messages hidden within words. She named this, the Lexigram. Where anagrams are a game of fun, Lexigrams are serious insights into hidden knowledge and will gently develop your sixth sense and open your third eye.
Many English words were deliberately created to follow logical sequences and from common usage but a larger percentage were developed from the collective subconscious and these hold the greatest mysteries. Not all words will contain esoteric wisdom but when time is taken to meditate on the words that feel relevant to you at that moment many new concepts, poems or images can be recognised.
English is what is known as a living language and this means more than intended when you contemplate the layers of meaning. Linda Goodman says, "Some words are mutants of original words, and so words undergo mutation. They meet, fuse or fall in love, so to speak- and they mate. They can and do produce "children". Hybrid words and varieities of compound words are the progeny or offspring of "parent" words, who earlier fused and mated."
The word, Lexigram, really means the word and words, obtained by anagramming a word or phrase, are drawn out in full and reassembled to reveal symbolic meanings, messages and truths. A Lexigram phrase must be composed of the letters within the original phrase but not every letter needs to be used.
An example; LETTERS (EELRSTT) Let Seer See.
The word, UNTIED becomes UNITED when 2 letters are "reversed" or "re-versed" (to rewrite).
EARTH - HEART. Hear Her Art.
Our birth names reveal a great deal about our lives, personality and potential. Write out your full name and list the letters as above. Begin by creating all the words you can find made up from those letters. As you form the words allow your intuition to link them together into sentences and follow your thoughts as they spiral upward and outward to reveal what is contained within. Not everything will be shown to you all at once, you may need to return to this several times. Timing is relevant in this practice as in most spiritual studies and development and more will be revealed in due course.
Much can be learned about history, politics and people by studying the Lexigrams and with practice this tool will uncover and produce some incredible results.
To gain a full understanding of this method please read Linda Goodman's "Star Signs", an oustanding classic work for decoding the Universe's secrets.
"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path". Psalms 119:105
"God is with you in all that you do." Genesis 21:22