Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Divine Colour - Part 6 Self help and development.

The most simple and obvious way to enhance or improve your mood is through the use of colour. Colour lore is ancient and a part of the mystical, magical and healing systems developed by ancient Indians, Chinese, Tibetans, Egyptians, Greeks, Persians, Babylonians and others.

There are seven primary vibrations of light visible to the human eye; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

These colours correspond with the human energy centres, the Chakras, from base to crown.

Red , the longest wavelength of visible colour, is associated with physical and material forces, while violet, the shortest wavelength is expressed as spirituality and enlightenment.

Black is universally a representation of evil, while white, the combination of all colours, denotes the Godhead and purity.

The Pythagorians found that white light contains all sound and colour and that the seven colours of the spectrum correspond to the seven known planets and eight notes of the musical scale.

Modern colour therapy, also called light therapy, chromotherapy and colourology is still controversial and considered an alternative treatment. Patients are exposed to coloured lights, prescribed certain coloured foods, or given water steeped in sunlight in coloured containers. Colour breathing is an excercise of visualising the inhalation and exhalation of coloured breath during meditation.

Research shows that coloured light does have an effect on the body. The perception of colour by the eye triggers biochemical reactions.

Blue is one of the most beneficial colours, helping to lower blood pressure, perspiration, respiration and brain-wave activity. Green is also soothing and healing. Yellow, red and orange raise blood pressure and metabolic rates, and orange stimulates the appetite.

Pink is beneficial in small doses, by relaxing and neutralising aggressive behaviour, however, long exposure can produce irritability and emotional distress.

Colours are employed in hospitals and workplaces to produce various effects, the pastel shades of blue and green enhance well being and productivity.

Religious and mystical groups denote the hierarchies of authority by the designation of particular colours.


RED: the colour of life, is the most auspicious. It relates to growth, happiness, joy, passion and virtue. If you lack courage, picture lots of red. Red is the great energiser, representing deep, passionate love. Chinese brides wear red-a lucky, happy, erotic colour.

It is a highly emotional and not good to have in great amounts when over-emotional or hyperactive.

Red is also believed to repel evil forces. It stimulates the heartbeat and mind and body energy.

The Root chakra at the base of the spine, which governs the vitality of the physical body vibrates and spins at the light frequency of red.

ORANGE: is the colour of someone who tends to follow the crowd. A creative colour that leads people to social activity and togetherness and represents joy and constructive mental and physical energy. The energy of the reproductive systems resonates with orange.

YELLOW: selected as the international colour of China and reserved solely for the use of the Emperor and his descendants because of its correspondence with control.

It stimulates mental energy and represents wisdom, expands the horizons of the narrow-minded and inspires excitement and fun. Yellow is also the colour for patience and tolerance. Our centre of emotion, the solar plexus, spins at the frequency of yellow energy.

GREEN: balances our whole system, and promotes harmony and peace. It is the colour of giving and receiving and resonates with our heart centre. Green can encourage travel but also ignite jealousy. Green is the colour for manifestation and should be visualised for attracting what we need into our lives.

To alleviate stress and relax the nervous system, to reduce eye strain and calm and soothe emotion think of or surround yourself with green.

BLUE: is for consideration, care, thoughtfulness and spiritualism. It is associated with faith, constancy and fidelity. This colour cools and calms and is generally the colour of the introvert. To represent trustworthiness, reliability and honesty in business, employ the use of blue. It is the natural colour for a passive and gentle approach. The throat chakra, our seat of communication, spins with blue energy.

PURPLE: sometimes considered by Chinese to be more auspicious than red. This colour belongs to the philosopher, the dreamer, the author and visionary. It is associated with high ideals, loyalty and truth. It was the colour adopted by the church, representing martyrdom, love, suffering and sacrifice. Purple is the colour of the great orator and was also used by the highest authorities for their seal.

GOLD: carries powerful Yang or positive energy and is associated with the force of the Sun. This energy is most appropriate for an outgoing, positive outlook and suits the action orientated people. A colour well utilised when there is much disturbed energy around. The Angelic realm is of golden light energy and the visualisation of gold is protective and healing.

WHITE: in the West this colour symbolises purity and vitality but in China it is the colour of mourning. It portrays innocence, naivity and openness.

BLACK: represents money and is often worn to designate power and confidence. It can attract negative energies and emotional states.

BROWN: is the colour of earth and wood. Those attracted to brown in large amounts tend to be reliable, steady, practical and down-to-earth. It can cause stagnation and slow movement in some so not practical in business environments requiring speed and efficiency.

GREY: is often worn by those who appear as conformist but really are not. It is associated with self-denial, depression and fear.

PINK: a healing colour that represents love and romance. Soft pink relaxes the mind and muscles and promotes love and care.

Make the most of the benefits of colour by consciously selecting your clothing daily to inspire the state of mind that you desire. Create a comfortable, relaxing environment for every day living and a calm and peaceful setting for rest at night. Be aware of the amount and tones of colour for childrens' bedrooms to allow for secure and restful sleep. Employ the assistance of colour energy when preparing a study and learning situation to inspire or enhance absorbtion of information. Consider how the different foods and their colour might effect the output of energy required at times and adjust your diet accordingly.

The magical use of colour has no limits and is another instrument for shaping the life we desire and developing the self we aspire to.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Thank You - Part 5 Self help and development.

Love your life!

Understand that you are the channel through which the Universe experiences its own creation.

Appreciate the faculties and senses bestowed in your physical form.

Every colour, shape, and vision, and every smell, sound and sensation is opportunity to pay homage for your existence.

Being is participating in the artistry of life.

Ponder the infinitesimal individual particles unseen and wonder at the conglomeration of formation.

Be awestruck by the brilliance of a flower and captivated by the shape of a cloud.

Find fascination in the ocean and joy at the laugh of an infant.

Know that no matter how unfortunate you perceive your existence there is always one who suffers more.

Be grateful for your blessings and you will be granted an abundance of them.

Feel benevolently towards others and allow their kind-hearted reciprocation.

Recognise the shadows but stand in the light.

Happiness is a state of mind, be it.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Look and Listen-Part 4 Self help and development

A lifetime of circumstances, programming and challenges shape the person we are today and the issues we grapple with. These limitations and beliefs need to be recognised, exposed and overcome to free us to journey forward.

The universe guides our lives and offers us constant opportunities to surmount our limitations. The re-occurring challenges and problems, the illnesses and the people we relate with are indicators of the territory we can examine for insight and understanding.

We are provided with signposts and guidance along the way but it is our choice to take notice.

You can begin your observations by focusing on the physical complaints you may currently be enduring. For example, you may have sore feet. Perhaps this represents the way you walk through life at present. Maybe your neck and shoulders are sore or tense - a sign of the burdens you perceive you are carrying.

Relationship difficulties can sometimes mirror the facets of our personality that are holding us back and creating the imbalance that inhibits progress. By identifying the traits that disturb us when confronted by others we recognise the characteristics in ourselves needing to be reformed.

Some informative books on the subject that I recommend are;
"You Can Heal Your Life." by Lousie Hays
"Anatomy Of The Spirit." by Caroline Myss
There are many available but these are a good starting point.

Have you ever prayed for a solution to a difficult problem and then turned on the radio and the words of the song being played gave you the answer? Have you been driving when you saw a business slogan posted on a billboard - that was the solution you were seeking? Or picked up a book in a bookstore and opened to a page that held the significant sentence that gave you an "aha!" moment?

In the same way we receive these communications in answer to our questions, we are faced with situations and circumstances that demonstrate issues and solutions. So look at your life from another perspective and see what stands out.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life, enjoy!